The Farsight Institute of Scientific Remote Viewing

Dr. Courtney Brown's Speaking Schedule

Sept. 7-8, Midwest UFO Conference, Branson, MO
Contact: Susan Bedel at 417-882-6847

Sept. 13-15, Tampa UFO Conference, Tampa, FL
Contact: Project Awareness at 904-432-8888

Sept. 21-22, UFO Awareness Conference, Chicago, IL
Contact: Mary Kerfoot at 847-985-1123

Oct. 4, Wings Forum, Ft. Collins, CO
Contact: Carol Wagner at 970-226-4246

Oct. 5, Keynote speaker for the International Association of New Science (IANS), Denver, CO
Office of IANS: 970-482-3731

Oct. 12-13, Omega Conference, Cheshire, CT
Contact (write): John White; 60 Pound Ridge Rd.; Cheshire, CT 06410

November 9-10, New Age Renaissance Fair, San Jose, CA
Contact: Eric Meece at 408-448-6726

November 22-24, Whole Life Expo, Atlanta, GA
Contact: Whole Life Expo at 1-800-551-3976

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